D1.3 Report on EOL Reliability Targets and PHM Measures
Public deliverables   2022/11/08  

Executive Summary

In the previous task (T1.1.1), general and technical specifications of UCs like size, architecture, performance, and lifetime (durability) requirements were described in detail and work plans for the UCs were created. Regarding the project’s title, reliability is one of the most important goals. Thus for achieving this goal, Task 1.1.2 contributes to defining the reliability tests and appropriate equipment and defining measures for evaluating the health of systems using prognostic health management (PHM). The outcome is a report on “end of life reliability targets and PHM measures”. The report presents sets of reliability tests, accelerated aging tests (AAT), and identified stress testbeds, equipment, and failure modes for conducting the reliability tests which will be done in WP6. Thanks to accelerated aging tests, we have appropriate knowledge of most critical failure modes that must be monitored for reliability enhancement and predictive maintenance in addition to preparing a database for use in data-driven methods discussed in WP3. The knowledge of critical failures will be used in WP2, WP3 (T3.4.1), WP5 (T5.3.1) and WP6 (T6.3.1). Finally, the methods, criteria, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the detailed design for reliability (DfR) and compact PHM model will be proposed. For fulfilling this assignment, some steps have been taken which are discussed below.

First, reliability tests for verifying the proper performance of the UCs were defined which will be utilized in WP6. HiEFFICIENT project focuses on highly efficient and reliable SiC-based and GaN-based power electronics converters. Thus it is mandatory to define reliability tests based on the type of WBG modules that are going to be used in each UCs because of their different material structures. These tests comprise both device and system level tests. Since smart and highly compact and integrated WBG modules will be employed in HiEFFICIENT, tests are beyond ordinary ones used for Si modules.

The second step is preparing test benches and testing equipment for reliability assessment of UCs concerning both device and system level tests.

Moreover, one of the key steps for defining the end-of-life target is employing proper accelerated aging tests which can nicely simulate the effects of multi-domain stresses (e.g., electrical, mechanical, thermal) at device/system level during the test time frame. The accelerated ageing tests will provide us with some valuable data which can be utilized in prognostic health management measures and in addition can be deployed in WP3 for feeding data-driven models.

Finally, KPIs like end-of-life targets are defined with reference to reliability and functional safety targets which will be evaluated in T1.4.1 in the future.

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