News and Articles
Public deliverables Final Dissemination Plan
This is the final Dissemination report of the project HiEFFICIENT which provides an overview of all ...
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Webinars Watch the webinars now
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Events HiEFFICIENT Webinar Series
Here you can find all the details of the webinar series at a glance.
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Webinars Webinar 3: How to boost power electronics limits while ensuring reliability
In this webinar you will get insight into the importance of Power Electronics Liftime in HiEFFICIENT ...
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Webinars Webinar 1: A new frontier in GaN power technology
In this webinar imec will show how their GaN-IC platforms are exploited to enable more efficient int ...
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Webinars Webinar 4: Microfluidic two-phase cooling for power electronics
Get insight into TNO's microfluidic two-phase cooling method.
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